Well another long gap between posts. How has this happened? Busy times always at the end of the school year. A cold/virus that knocked me back a few days. Now the children's holidays have begun (hooray) and I have finished my child minding career. I now look forward to a few weeks of relaxed times before September when I have to work out a way of making a sort of living from this. I'm very excited at the prospect and am looking forward to getting more prints and cards done.
The commissions are coming in at a steady pace which has been a joy, although I do have to be more confident in not under pricing myself. I'm getting slowly better at this, but its not easy. I completed an illustration for my good friend Kim's Nanna. She will be 100 in a weeks time, wow some feat! When asking what she would like in the picture, Kim suggested a garden theme as gardening had been a love of Nannas when more able. Instead of an straight forward illustration of a garden I decided to draw a collection of many flowers into a plant pot. Kim has since told me that she had also been a keen flower arranger in her time so the arrangement had been a good choice. I do hope she enjoys the picture when she gets it next week. I really loved doing this illustration, it has to be one of the most intricate ones I have done so far yet was completed the fastest. I think in total a days work.
A card for a friends wedding last week. |
I'm hoping that now I am more settled the posts will be more frequent again. I aim to get more work done to show. Hey, the Olympics are almost here, holiday to Corfu is booked, Bradley Wiggins is going to win the Tour de France and the sun has finally appeared, this is all good!
I adore these beautiful new pieces Laura... so delicate and delightful. I am sure Nanna will be thrilled. I am so thrilled that in a few short weeks you will have more time to indulge in making a living from your talent.
I hope your time in Corfu will be relaxing and refreshing and I am sure you will find inspiration there... not that you are short of that magical stuff.
Keep sharing the magic. With love, J xxxx
Congratulations Laura, you'll be wondering why you didn't do it sooner! I know you'll make a success of it! x
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