I have been inspired by my friend Julia's new venture www.becreativedaily.com. She is on a 30 day challenge to be creative everyday and set up a website promoting this (well worth a visit). I decided to be brave and start work on my website, something I've been wanting to get going for a long time. I think I must have spent all day last Friday looking into the best deal and best choice of designed templates. I finally went with Moonfruit and have spent the majority of spare time changing and tweaking things. I managed to get www.lambandfox.com as my name but as yet it doesn't come up when you google it so help is needed with this. Also I need to connect Facebook, Twitter, beloved blog to the site. I have asked my friend Tim who hopefully will solve these computer mysteries for me. He is a very busy man so it might not happen soon. I do still need to upload all the prints yet
anyway. It is very exciting and frustrating in equal measure
but I am enjoying it.

I had in mind that I wanted to do an illustration of myself for the 'All about Lamb and Fox" section. Thought that would be nicer than a photo. You wouldn't believe the amount of time I took doing the face to get a likeness. I think it looks a little like me? My girls seem to think so, Mr.B said it didnt do me justice - sweet! I also did another one, the smaller one shown. I got a bit carried away though and have ended up looking like a smiling Madonna! I have a book of European folk art that I sometimes use for inspiration and had been looking at the Bulgarian religious icon section showing the Madonna with amazing rays coming out from behind her head representing light. This made its way into the little portrait, I think its clear I was obviously feeling good about myself on Saturday!
A million things still to do on the website. Last night I sat down and thought to myself I need to do another word picture as I'm in danger of getting bogged down with computer stuff. So started on Cat, hopefully I will finish this for the next blog. Also the thermo fax screen arrived this morning, testing will begin soon! Busy, busy, busy.
1 comment:
I love your latest drawings.... can't wait to see what you do next!
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