Monday, 2 April 2012

Easter Hols!

At last Izi and Ava are off from school for two weeks.  Life becomes a lot more relaxed in general.  No rushing off in the mornings and afternoons.  A Easter break from one of my two jobs too!

Still disappointed with photographing my work.  Its letting the side down!  I only have three prints up on Etsy (  Funds will not allow a new fancy, super duper camera so a bit stuck.  Will sit on this for a while.

Completed one illustration this week, Apple Tree, was brave and added colour.  The usual situation where I was not sure with it.  Posted it on lamb and Fox facebook page and got a fabulous response from my dear friends.  So uplifted and inspired again.  Now working on a illustration for Easter greetings which I will send out to Aunts and Uncles.  This will definitely be in full colour.  I love the idea of a crazy patterned bird having crazy patterned eggs.  Will post the technicolor version later.

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