Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Printing thoughts

Thinking more and more about doing my own printing, I do like to be in control!  I almost signed up for a screen printing course at the weekend.  While researching this I came across thermal screen printing, very similar to screen printing but much more simple and cheaper.  I have found a few companies that I can email my designs too and they will turn them into a screen ready for printing. I've done the two small designs shown that I think will work well as greeting cards.  The originals are in black and white.

Really it is a test to see if it works, if it is a success then I can get bigger screens done. Also printing on lovely textured paper or fabric could be interesting.  I did screen printing at Art college many moons ago so I am really looking forward to having a go on a small scale again.

Other work finished this week was this illustration based around the London postcode map.  I did all the postcodes first (a fine feat for someone with mild dyslexia, many mistakes made!) It looked really like a patchwork when I had finished, so I decided to add the words, "London is my patchwork quilt that keeps me always warm inside" around the edge.  I'm rather pleased with it.  I didn't have a plan when I started it, so it evolved naturally which I like.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Thanking and thinking

A few hours spare on Monday and Tuesday to illustrate a thank you card to send to friends and family who gave me lovely birthday gifts.

A selection is shown below.  Particularly looking forward to reading Spitalfields Life.  The lovely Paris notebooks are already in use.  I know lots of people use the notes page on their phone or iPad but I still prefer pen to paper for notes!  A lovely brooch by Stockwell designs which adorns my mac.  Beautiful hair slides too.  I also got some cash which will go towards the much needed camera fund!

The other card I had to unfortunately illustrate was for Muriel a dear lady who Mr B and I met on our honeymoon 13 years ago.  Her husband Ken died last Friday after a long illness.  We didn't get to see much of them as they lived in Sunderland but we have always kept in touch with cards and phone calls.  We have very fond memories of Ken and Muriel who were the "life and soul" on the little boat we were traveling on around the Greek Islands with.

Rest in peace Ken Royal x

Sunday, 15 April 2012

A little break

Just back from a mini break to Rye.  We stayed at The Ship Inn, which is where we always stay when we go down there.  The beautifully decorated rooms are such a welcome from the many uninspiring B&Bs and corporate hotels around.

lampshade makes a rather fetching hat!

Bright and light in the bedroom but still retaining the old quirky features in the pub downstairs.  The breakfasts are to die for too!

We also paid a visit to Hastings.  So many interesting shops in the old part of Hastings to look in and to purchase lovely things.

The French matches and badges were very cheap.  The 'old bag' brooch is mine in celebration of my birthday that day!

We spent the rest of the afternoon walking on Hastings Country Park.  Just stunning as the sun was out making everything as bright as it should be.

Feel refreshed again and inspired!

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Printing pour vous

I had a little play around with some printing yesterday.  I started the day investigating printing prices for greeting cards.  Quite costly as you really have to go for a bulk buy to get better value.  Anyway its something to think about.  I would love to be able to do my own printing as in a woodcut, linocut or screen print.  I you tubed techniques and came across fantastic videos showing easy ways to do prints from home.  Anyway had a quick go with some hobby foam sheets cut and stuck onto a block of wood.  Pretty basic but could be interesting

 I finally got more of my prints up for sale on my Etsy Shop - hooray!.  I spent all of Saturday photographing them, an improvement!   They are not the best pics ever taken but they are the best I can do at this moment.  I found an Ikea frame in the loft and by putting the prints in the frame, photographing them, this has made all the difference.  Also my first sale, ok its from a dear friend but a wonderful feeling anyway.  I did the design for her originally as she requested a Hare.

Oh and I joined Pinterest, love it!  On line pin board, what a marvelous idea.  Why didn't I think of that!!

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Glorious Technicolor

As promised Easter bird in colour.  I used photoshop to colour, its taken me ages!  Now late in getting ready for work - heigh ho!
I've printed them onto postcards and they will now be winging their way to family.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Easter Hols!

At last Izi and Ava are off from school for two weeks.  Life becomes a lot more relaxed in general.  No rushing off in the mornings and afternoons.  A Easter break from one of my two jobs too!

Still disappointed with photographing my work.  Its letting the side down!  I only have three prints up on Etsy (  Funds will not allow a new fancy, super duper camera so a bit stuck.  Will sit on this for a while.

Completed one illustration this week, Apple Tree, was brave and added colour.  The usual situation where I was not sure with it.  Posted it on lamb and Fox facebook page and got a fabulous response from my dear friends.  So uplifted and inspired again.  Now working on a illustration for Easter greetings which I will send out to Aunts and Uncles.  This will definitely be in full colour.  I love the idea of a crazy patterned bird having crazy patterned eggs.  Will post the technicolor version later.