Saturday, 24 March 2012

4 steps back, 6 steps forward!

Well a funny week, I received my prints from the printer.  I was full of high hopes but I have to say my initial reaction after opening the box was slight disappointment.  My picture of Heart didn't come out as I imagined.  

Of course the key to this disappointment is in the last sentence! I didn't  relay my imagined pictorial to Mark the printer very well.  Anyway that put me on a downward spiral of self doubt about the prints, my artwork and my selling them at all.  
I spent all day Thursday photographing them for my Etsy shop, with no success. They looked out of focus, as you can see above, terrible. More steps back!  Friday could have been an even worse day, Orthodontic appointment for my girlie Izi and dentist for me But........ 

Mark agreed to do a free revised print for me. No filings at the dentist (I was convinced I needed a filing just sensitive teeth apparently). Thinking positively about Thursday I did measure all the prints and construct descriptions.  Found a fab skirt in the Charity shop, I will sew a couple of my Cath Kidson buttons on to it. The knitted cardy needs a couple of the Kidson buttons on it too, then I can finally give it to my friend for her little baby, Lila. Also I took a couple of pics of  the prints with my iphone, really not bad actually in focus.  I plan to finish off the photography today.  

I've been working on the brooch for a while.  A couple of years ago I made a lot and sold them through Folksy.  I lost money making them really as the time spent making them didn't and couldn't reflect in the price I sold them for.  This little one is for me. I will finish it off this weekend.

I tell you what a difference a few days make!

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Mothers Day

Wishing every Mother a Happy Mothers Day!  

I spent Thursday doing these two cards, my own Mothers card and also my Nieces 1st Birthday card. 

Friday afternoon I went to the printers and he showed me this proof of Hand.  He spent some time getting the sepia effect that I wanted.  Very pleased with the look of the print.  I love the torn edge feel.

Have a lovely day everyone out there whatever you do! x

Tuesday, 13 March 2012


My new illustration, Year was completed last night. Took a little while to get into it but i'm really pleased with it now. Of course a couple of spelling mistakes were made, which had to be scratched off! I would like to put some colour into it but a bit scared to put the paintbrush on the paper.  
Anyways I need to do a Mothers Day card by tomorrow for my Mum.  This will have to be done tonight so Year will stay as it is for now.  By the way please excuse the terrible photo quality.

Mr B was busy on Sunday and created this fabulous stand for me. Polished too, it wouldn't look out of place in a Church!  It makes illustrating on my desk much easier, I can actually see what I'm doing.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Busy times and Hare

I have been very busy since the last blog, (over a week since the last one!)with all sorts of jobs and occasions getting in the way of getting on and illustrating.  Our outside back windows were in a terrible state and really couldn't be left any longer with out getting a lick of paint, which is always my job.  Mr B actually had some spare time to do the necessary repairs, the weather turned mild so there was no excuse.  I'm rather pleased with the green.  It looks lovely against the tones of the London brick.

I started Hare (as requested by lovely Lisa) the other evening.  I wasn't particularly pleased with it, posted it on the Lamb and Fox facebook page and got a lovely reaction.  Funny how that happens!  Anyway worked on it a bit longer Tuesday night (stayed up till 12 - quite a feat for me). The completed piece is below.

The most exciting news is that I have finally got my arse and confidence in gear and contacted and met up with a printer.  Mark at Atom Printing was fantastic.  Being the complete doughnut in all matters technical he spent a couple of hours going through everything with me.  He is now going to scan all my current illustrations for me then I will get Giclee prints done to sell on Folksy.  Then maybe an exhibition in the Summer - but hey lets not get too carried away!